Aku da malas nak cakap ape-ape.
Pasal bile aku cakap buang mase kan.
So its better to keep my mouth shut and act as if you did nothing wrong.
Yes, I miss falling asleep beside you :(
You know what, I really miss this :(
Because I love you too much to let you go.
I will keep my promise and your wish for not leaving you.
I will try my best to be strong even though it will hurt me forever.
Remember I did this just for you.
I hope you notice how much I really love you.
I bet you won't find a girl loves you like the way I do.
Hi, I just miss you &
Your kisses &
The happiness between us &
You always messing up my hair &
You always cover your face when ever I on the camera flash, Cause you really hate it &
You kissing every part of my face &
Your "step kesian" face &
But the thing I really miss the most is spending every second with you.
Yeah, I'm hurt.
Fucked up, Ever single reason to be.
I just miss a guy that use to send me long text messages, random I love you's or I miss you.
A guy who always dream of me, A guy who I really love the most and who always complain that he miss me so much, A guy who never miss to webcam with me every night before I sleep.
Now that guy has changed, I cant bare to face the new him.
Even he has change, I know my love for him wont change at all.
As I notice, I scarifies a lot for him. I mean a lot. I dont know if he notice it or not.
I know its hurt to see his girlfriend hurt herself.
Panadol, scissors and ect.
I dont know whats wrong with me. I feel so fucked up every time.
I know I have to change myself for not losing him.
I feel really bad after all those shit I've done.
3rd May (:
I've been waiting for near 1 months. (:
This ! Boyfriend, This is the reason why.
I love you (:
Frankly my life is hard, full of shit. I fell worthless and useless.
& you got no one to talk too right now and only thing you could do is just fake a smile and being happy in front of others. Its hard to be strong of every single shit in life. Its tiring seeing yourself being hurt again and again. And the feeling you just wanna end your life and make the people relies that you are not invisible and by the time they regret everything they done.. Sometime its just that is what I wish for just die and make people relies all their shit and come back alive. Problem after problem, and I relies my 2011 just sucks. From the first starting of the fucking year till now I'm freaking suffering. I'm strong in the day, But behide this fake smile and during at night lock inside my room and just cry myself. I dont know how long I can stand this.